Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Federico and Camilla

Some interesting facts about the couple ... Camilla is from Florence. Her mother lives right in the center of Florence. Camilla told me her neighborhood is very historic and when she moved to la parioli in Rome, she didn't like it because she was used to being in the historic center. Her profession is art restoration and she has an impressive portfolio. When she became pregnant with Pietro she had to quit working because the chemicals used is art restoration can be dangerous for the baby. She says she would like to start working again soon. She has a studio in Rome and said she would show me the studio some time. I hope to travel to her mother's house with the family. 

Federico works for BP. His family lives just outside Sienna in Tuscany. They have a vineyard and make red wine and olive oil. There are pictures of this place around the house and it looks very beautiful. The olive oil that Camilla uses is from Federico's home. It is spicy. She says that it is a new batch and as the oil ages it becomes more mild. It's sooo good. I want to send some home to Nick. The oil is more green than yellow. I don't know why. 

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