Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Typical Tuesday


Today was a bit difficult. Waking up early, getting the babies dressed is not easy. They stall and stall and you have to constantly keep after them. Ugh! I constantly repeat, "Ludovica, Anna dai." So tired. I slept during the day while they were all at school. Elena comes at 9 to clean and I don't have to work from 9 to 2, and 9 to 4:30 two days a week. 

This afternoon I helped the girls with their homework. Anna is trouble, Ludovica a perfectionist. She draws and erases, draws and erases, over and over. Mamma mia! Then Anna and Pietro had a play date with the family who has Caitlin for an au pair. We walked through la parioli (the wealthy Italian neighborhoods) to Caitlin's house. Her family's apartment is beautiful. The father there is next up to the CEO of what is equivalent to an Italian FedEx company. I was amazed by this apartment. 

Anna and Pietro played with the children there. Ludovica had to go to Catholic school as she is preparing for the first communion, so she did not stay with us. Then it was time to leave. I walked Anna and Pietro home and gave them a bath and put their pajamas on. Camilla came home and cooked fish and pizza. Odd combination. 

By 8 p.m. I was ready to get out. I took the train into the city. Caitlin met me at la Fontana di Trevi. We talked and made plans for the weekend. On Sunday we will meet early and go to an antique market. Then we are going to take a walking tour. Finally, a big dinner and movies at her place. Yay! I'm so glad to have a friend. Who knew?

1 comment:

  1. "Waking up early, getting the babies dressed is not easy. They stall and stall and you have to constantly keep after them" Sound like somebody I know...



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